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The second scientifically-practical conference

of the Second scientifically-practical conference "Preservation and development of native Tatar language", devoted to the International Day of the Native language - on February, 21st, 30-th session of UNESCO established on the initiative in 1999, the Tatar culture lead by the Moscow society " Tugan Tel " (Native language) on February, 21st, 2008 in Moscow House of Nationalities with participation of representatives of a science, education and public.


At conference was present 119 person.


After discussing performances of participants, conference marks, that for the expired years after an establishment of UNESCO " International Day of the native language ", in Russia there were no positive shifts as it is told in the document of UNESCO on an establishment of " Day of the native language ", in business "preservations and developments of not state disappearing languages, encouragements of linguistic variety and multilingual formation, and as increases of awareness on the language and cultural traditions existing in the world”.

In Russia there is no law about languages of people, who are living on their territories from the beginning, but involved in structure of Russia, there is no conception that language - it is not only means of contact and receiving knowledge, but also an integral part of cultural originality, the rights, opportunities and ethnos as a whole. On the contrary, in spite of the fact that the Russian Federation was included into the European legal space, that already oblige Russia to observe human rights, including the rights of national minorities, having guaranteed it education in their native language, the State Duma has passed the Federal Law "About modification in some certificates of the Russian Federation ", which cancels a regional component within the limits of which the native language and history of this or that people of Russia till now were studied.

Even without this "Law" in many regions of the country the national school is put in position of the stepson of existing structures of education. And it is on a background of the become frequent cases of display of xenophobia and intolerance on a national basis in separate regions of the Russian Federation.

In the internal policy of the Russian Federation is more distinctly shown tendencies of ignoring of interests of national groups of the population of the country. Even the assignment of the President of the Russian Federation, given several years ago, about creation on the all-Russian state tv-channel "Culture" of the regular cultural-cognitive programs showing a life of people of Russia, is completely ignored and is not executed. There are also no transfers at state Russian radio stations, devoted to the live, culture and languages of radical people of the country.

The assignment of President Putina V.V. about development of new edition of the Concept of the national policy, given to corresponding structures of the country leaders also was not executed. All this is a bright evidence of that authorities in the country completely ignore interests of not Russian-speaking people of the country.

Russia doesn’t finance fully education in the country as a whole causes alarm. Firstly it is reflected in activity of educational establishments where anyhow is a studying native non-russian language. So, if in South Korea on the purposes of national formation within last 20 years spending about 20 % of gross national product annually, in Japan - 14 %, in Finland - 16,4 % of gross national product a year in the Russian Federation in 2007 on the purposes of formation it is spent only 0,9 % of gross national product. At such attitude of authorities of Russia to education it is difficult to imagine, that they will be encourage to idea of establishment " Day of the Native language " and to encourage training the non-russian citizens on their native languages.

In Moscow which is the sample for all Russia, wasn’t and won’t be education in native language even in elementary grades of an elementary school for one nationality living in Moscow. And in Moscow living more than two millions non-russian citizens of Russia, which are compelled to learn Russian, not receiving skills of the native language even in kindergartens.

Conference addresses in Department of formation of Moscow with the request to consider results of the monitoring lead by our society together with the Moscow city pedagogical university in 2001, and to promote creation in each administrative district of Moscow of schools and kindergartens with the Tatar ethnocultural component, and may be with instruction in the native language even in elementary classes in some schools.

Non financed and actually deprived of civil rights national-cultural autonomies and public organizations of non-russian people of Russia are practically deprived an opportunity to influence the national policy of the country. That’s why the conference addresses to Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with the offer to accept new edition of the Law on the national-cultural autonomies which are having for an object saving of all nations, occupying Russia that is impossible without creation of conditions for development of their languages.

Conference recommends to the guidance of the Russian Federation to assume as a basis principles and methodology regarding preservation and development languages of people of the country which are accepted in Republic Tatarstan just as principles of construction of the government have been accepted by the Russian state from Golden Horde.

Conference also addresses to the President of Russia to return to the consideration and satisfaction of a question on the organization of the State Center (Ministry) on affairs of nationalities, the edition of the all-Russian mass-media about the life of the nations in the country, including to restoration radio and tv-programms about the life of nationalities in the country, and to establish " Day of the Native language " in the Russian Federation.


Accepted unanimously

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